Student Wellbeing

Student Wellbeing Overview

St Peter Apostle Primary School promotes a holistic approach to student wellbeing. We ensure our school’s vision and mission “Learn, Relate and Live in the light of the Catholic faith” supports and frames our Positive Behaviour for Learning and Trauma-informed approach to all areas of our teaching and learning as well as our daily interactions with one another. 

The PBL framework uses a multi-tiered system of support aimed at proactively supporting all students. Data-based decision-making is an integral component of PBL, allowing identification of support needs and the ability to monitor and evaluate interventions. PBL draws together evidence-based programs such as Respectful Relationships, Berry Street Trauma-informed Practices and Bounce Back to increase academic achievement, improve safety, decrease challenging behaviours and establish a positive school environment.

Our Positive Behaviour for Learning pillars are: 

Be Proud, Be Kind, Be Responsible and Be Safe 

Our Catholic school adheres to and promotes the 11 Victorian Child Safety Standards (Ministerial Order 1359) in an effort to provide a safe and inclusive environment that contributes to positive learning outcomes and the physical, spiritual, emotional and mental wellbeing of students, staff and the broader community. We acknowledge and show respect for our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history and peoples past and present in our school community by providing opportunities for connection and learning. 

The Wellbeing team at St Peter’s oversees the provision of: Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) prevention and intervention programs; Student, Parent and Teacher Codes of Conduct; Support for students with diverse learning needs; Speech and language programs; Psychology Assessment and Counselling, Child Safety, Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD) – Students with disabilities support and learning adjustment; Referrals to the Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS) Learning Diversity and Student Wellbeing units; Support for parents and students as well as liaise with external agencies.

SEL lessons are embedded in the weekly learning and teaching program, with explicit teaching of PBL expectations, Respectful Relationships SEL Topic 1-6 and Topics 7-8 through a Catholic lens. Our Friendship Club is open for half of both our lunch and afternoon break to support students with their social learning and development.

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